Chart performance:


Written by: John Macleod & Tony Macaulay
Produced by: John Macleod
South African record label (unless otherwise stated): Pye

Hit number for artist1
Peak position17
Biggest climber awards0
Star rater climbs0
Biggest faller awards0
Top 20 points12
Overall Top 20 points ranking=2116
Top 20 points ranking for the artist1
Top 30 Points52
Overall Top 30 points ranking=2143
Top 30 points ranking for the artist1

Annual ranking:


Other chart success:

New Zealand7

The song was first recorded by The Foundations in 1969 for an album called ‘Digging The Foundations’. The next significant version to be recorded was by The Fortunes in 1970. The band were enjoying a little revival at the time following their recording a Coca-Cola jingle called ‘It’s The Real Thing’. They recorded an album which included ‘That Same Old Feeling’ along with their version of the jingle. The album was not released commercially but given away as a gift to employees of Coca-Cola when they attended a conference in Houston. John Macleod, the song’s co-writer and who had co-produced The Foundations’ version, would then get Pickettywitch to record it when he was working with them. The success in Europe of the Pickettywitch version prompted The Fortunes to push for a single release of their version in the US. Due to legal wranglings between Coca-Cola and the band’s record label, it took a while before they got the go ahead to release it. In the interim, a US label had picked up on the Pickettywitch version with the result that the 2 versions were released on the same day and entered the US charts the same week. The Fortune’s version would fare slightly better, getting to 62 while Pickettywitch’s one would peak 5 places lower at 67.


Artist link: Pickettywitch


The band formed in 1969 and was fronted by singer Polly Brown. They would be signed to Pye Records by John Macleod who co-wrote their hit, ‘That Same Old Feeling’. It would peak at 5 in the UK and reach number 67 in the US. They would see 2 further UK hits (‘(It’s Like A) Sad Old Kinda Movie’ #16 and ‘Baby I Won’t Let you Down’. They would see no further US hits. Polly Brown would go on to record a number of solo records and would form a group called Sweet Dreams who would see a number 10 hit in the UK with their cover of Abba’s ‘Honey Honey’.

Date of entrySongPeak (weeks at 1)Weeks
15-May-1970That Same Old Feeling174
  Total hits1
  Total weeks4
Biggest climber awards0
Star rater climbs0
Biggest fallers0
Weeks with oldest in the charts0
Longest run in the charts (weeks)4
Weeks with more than 1 in the charts0
Biggest gap between hits (weeks)0
Top 30 points ranking1117
Top 20 points ranking=1105
Top 30 points52
Top 20 points12