Cindy Dickenson from People Like Us

The band was formed by record producers Paul Crossley and Terry Owen. They were working with a group called Shiraz but were not getting anywhere with them. Then one night, when at the Johannesburg club Bella Napoli, they heard Cindy Dickenson singing. Dickenson had seen a number 16 hit on the Capital 604 charts in 1982 with the track ‘Love Stealer’. Crossley and Owen asked her to join them in their new project, People Like Us. They would work with Juluka and Savuka producer, Hilton Rosenthal and recorded a number of singles and produced an album called ‘Deliverance’. Apparently, their music would prove popular on the European dance scene. Sadly, Cossley would die from AIDs related illness in 1989 and Cindy would leave in the period leading up to Crossley’s death as she fell pregnant and there were tensions between her and Crossley and Owen. Owen continued with the group, recruiting UK singer Angie Gold, but did not find much further success.

Date of entrySongPeak (weeks at 1)Weeks
21-Jun-1987Hiroshima (Never Too Late For Tears)285
  Total hits1
  Total weeks5
Biggest climber awards0
Star rater climbs0
Biggest fallers0
Weeks with oldest in the charts0
Longest run in the charts (weeks)5
Weeks with more than 1 in the charts0
Biggest gap between hits (weeks)0
Top 30 points ranking=1240
Top 20 points rankingN/A
Top 30 points9
Top 20 pointsN/A

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