Born: 12 Mary 1942
Full name: William Lance Swan

Swan was born in Cape Girardeau in Missouri which is a town about 330 kms north east of Nashville, Tennessee. He learnt to play drums, guitar and piano as a kid and would start writing songs at an early age. In 1962 Clyde McPhatter (who had been one of the founding members of The Drifters) recorded a version of ‘Lover Please’ which Swan had written. This went to number 7 on the Hot 100 and was Swan’s first major success. He would move to Memphis to work with musician Bill Black. Sadly for Swan, Black fell ill and subsequently died before much could happen, so Swan moved to Nashville in 1972. He began to get noticed as a song writer and would also produce some country hits, including Tony Joe White’s ‘Polk Salad Annie’. He would record his debut album, ‘Rock on With Rhythm’ that same year, although it does not appear to have ever got an official release. His success as a singer came in 1974 with the song and album ‘I Can Help’. The track went to number 1 in the US and the album peaked at 21 and topped the US Country Album charts. It would also see a peak of 6 in the UK. However, he would only see 2 further minor US hits and 1 further one in the UK. On the Country Singles charts, he saw 16 hits, the last one being in 1987.

Date of entrySongPeak (weeks at 1)Weeks
14-Feb-1975I Can Help314
15-Aug-1975Don’t Be Cruel124
16-Jul-1976Wedding Bells313
  Total hits3
  Total weeks31
Biggest climber awards2
Star rater climbs4
Biggest fallers2
Weeks with oldest in the charts0
Longest run in the charts (weeks)14
Weeks with more than 1 in the charts0
Biggest gap between hits (weeks)44
Top 30 points ranking=210
Top 20 points ranking187
Top 30 points690
Top 20 points380

As mentioned above, Swan produced the following Tony Joe White hit:

Date of entrySongPeak (weeks at 1)Weeks
26-Sep-1969Polk Salad Annie181
  Total hits1
  Total weeks1

Total chart involvement by the band and its members:

Number of hits4

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